
08/11/2019, ore 05:21

Most recent excavation seasons at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic hill sanctuary of Göbekli Tepe have been largely dedicated to essential provisions in advance of construction work on the permanent shelter for Enclosures A-D. In 2012 deep soundings down to the natural bedrock were made in the main excavation area in the south-eastern depression of the tell; these soundings will provide the foundations for the struts of the permanent shelter. In the meantime a preliminary wooden shelter has been installed. The erection of this preliminary structure addresses the urgent need for the protection of the prehistoric remains in this area; furthermore, it will provide a platform for building work on the permanent membrane shelter which is expected to commence next year. A similar shelter structure will also be installed in the north-western depression of the mound where new excavation areas were opened in 2011. Preparations for this third structure were the focus of our 2013 excavation seasons.
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